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How to prepare for a career fair

Looking for an internship or a full-time job? Attending a career fair can be a great place to start. 

IUPUI Career Services shares these tips to help you make the best impression and have a successful experience:

Before the career fair Recommended business casual and professional dress.

  • Create or update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Make copies of your resume on nice paper to hand to employers.
  • Find out which employers are attending and make a list of the ones you want to talk to.
  • Develop an elevator pitch to summarize your education and professional goals in 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Write two or three informed questions to ask each recruiter.
  • Prepare your outfit. At most career fairs, the recommended attire is business casual.

During the fair

  • Smile and be confident.
  • Introduce yourself to recruiters with a handshake and your name.
  • Give your elevator pitch and ask questions.
  • Ask how they would prefer any follow-up after the fair and thank them for their time.
  • Jot down notes on what you learned from each employer.

After the fair

  • Review the notes you took and decide whether you want to pursue any of the opportunities you learned about.
  • Apply to the opportunities you’re interested in.
  • Send a thank-you email to each of the recruiters you spoke to within 48 hours. If you applied for their opportunity, let them know.
  • Connect with recruiters on LinkedIn.

For a deeper dive into resume building, job hunting, interviews and more, check out the Career EDGE modules offered through Canvas.

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