Performance at IU moves ahead: Final tool introduced; remaining staff will join in 2024
By IU Human Resources
December 14, 2023
The annual Performance at IU: A culture of conversations program is approaching two milestones: the end of the inaugural cycle and adoption by all staff at Indiana University. This uniform performance management process for staff employees was born out of university-wide results of the last My Voice at IU Staff Engagement Survey and is constructing a foundation for recurring conversations between leaders and staff at IU.
The fourth and final conversation tool — the “annual performance conversation” — is available for the initial participants alongside the previously introduced tools; the remaining staff at IU will adopt the annual program in 2024. Information for both groups of adoptees is below.
Update for 2023 participants: annual performance conversation
Current participants can view the fourth and final conversation tool: the annual performance conversation. This tool is a simple framework for a discussion summarizing the year’s successes and challenges.
At its core, this wrap-up conversation answers the question: Did staff deliver on the expectations set during their expectation conversation? This reflective meeting should focus on celebrating successes, planning for development and growth, and identifying areas of improvement if they apply.
The annual performance conversation takes place between January and March, and leaders (managers and supervisors) are responsible for completing an online attestation following this conversation. The window for this conversation to allow participants to combine the two bookend conversations if they wish.
Training on how to use this tool begins in January, and staff and leaders are encouraged to register for an educational session before participating in this conversation.
Current participants will receive an email from IU Human Resources introducing the final conversation tool on Dec. 15, with timely reminders going out after the start of the new year.
New participants for 2024
As for those who began the program in 2023, one of the four conversation tools will be introduced each quarter of the year, focusing on education about the simple tools before putting them into action.
New participants will receive an email from IUHR introducing the program and the first conversation tool, the “expectation conversation,” on Dec. 15. Training for new adoptees begins in January, and staff and leaders are encouraged to register for an educational session to learn about the program, its goals and how to use the related tools. IUHR will send timely email reminders as the program continues.
What’s next
Leaders and staff should watch their email for reminders from IUHR about the tools they’re adopting, related goals, available training, guidance and support. HR professionals representing the participating units can also assist staff and leaders.