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Immersive first-year research program accepting student applications

IU Indianapolis students recorded a podcast about the April 2024 eclipse as part of one 1RIP project. Photo by Liz Kaye, Indiana University

Research and creative activity are central to the IU Indianapolis experience, with the real-world impact of faculty and student researchers extending across the state, nation and world. Through the 1st Year Research Immersion Program, also known as 1RIP, students are at the center of the action, engaging in immersive experiences that set them up for academic success.

Open to all first-year undergraduate students in Indianapolis, 1RIP is a two-semester program that introduces students to research, scholarship and creative activity at the university level. Students pair with a faculty mentor and work with peers on team projects spanning a variety of scholarly disciplines. There are no GPA requirements or prerequisites to participate.

“The 1st Year Research Immersion Program is a great opportunity for our newest students to immerse themselves in IU Indianapolis’ dynamic research environment,” said Phaedra Corso, IU associate vice president for research and vice chancellor for research at IU Indianapolis. “I look forward to seeing the contributions these students will make to research and creative activity on campus, playing an active role in helping transform IU Indianapolis into one of the nation’s premier urban research universities.”

Participating students in the first 1RIP cohort – launched in fall 2023 – enjoyed the meaningful relationships formed with faculty, exposure to research methodologies and the professional growth opportunities the program provided. They co-authored papers, presented at conferences and gained valuable experience related to their future career pursuits. Additionally, 95% of respondents to a follow-up survey said they planned to participate in research or creative activity in the future.

This year, 54 projects are available for up to 118 students, ranging from dentistry and psychology to music and the arts. Expanded opportunities will be offered for student reflection, and the program will be submitted for inclusion as part of IU Indianapolis’ Experiential and Applied Learning Record, known as The Record.

Participating students are expected to work around five hours per week on their project. At the end of each semester, $1,000 will be deposited into their bursar accounts. They will receive one credit hour each semester for completing the year-long program.

More information about 1RIP, including project descriptions, is available online. Applications are due by Aug. 25.

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